File Content Search in PowerShell
There is a way to use Powershell to search the contents of a file. This method will not use the Windows index so it will be slow, but it does work.
get-childitem c:users -filter *.txt -recurse | select-string -list -pattern “yourtext” | foreach {$_.Path}
- get-childitem: Get the children for a container. In this example the container is a folder on the file system.
- The first argument is the directory to search (c:users).
- The –filter switch is used to limit what files to search, in this example it will search files with a txt extension.
- Process all sub-directories with the –recurse switch.
- select-string: Find text in strings or files.
- The –list switch stops the search within the source once the match is found. In other words it will not waste time looking for other occurrences of the text.
- The –pattern switch is where you specify the search text. Regex is permitted.
- foreach: Iterate the resulting files.
- $_.Path: Output the full path for the file.