
Mac OSx etiketine sahip yayınlar gösteriliyor


Host dosyasını düzenlemek için  host dosyasını terminal üzerinden düzenleyeceğiz . Adım 1 – Terminal uygulamasını açalım Either by start typing Terminal on the Spotlight, or by going into Uygulamalar -> Araçlar -> Terminal. Adım 2 – Hosts dosyasını açma aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırıp editör de hosts dosyasını açalım: 1 $ sudo nano  / private / etc / hosts root şifremizi girelim. Adım 3 – hosts dosyasını düzenleme örneğin bir siteniz var ve localhost üzerinde gerçek domain adıyla test etmek istiyorsunuz. bunun için şöyle bir satır ekleyelim; siteniz.com www.siteniz.com Adım 4 – hosts dosyasını kaydet işimiz bittikten sonra ctrl+X tuşlarına basıp, Y yazıp enter tuşuna basarak işlemi tamamlıyoruz. Step 5 – Flush  DNS cache ( DNS cache temizleme) yaptığımız değişikliğin etkili olması için aşağıdaki komutu çalıştıralım: 1 $ dscacheutil  - flushcache artık tarayınıza www.siteniz.com yazarak çalıştırabili...

Microsoft Lync keychain password prompt on login

One of my users ran into an issue recently when launching Microsoft Lync. When the Lync application logged into the Lync server, a  Microsoft Lync wants to use OC_KeyContainer_username@company.com. Please enter the keychain password prompt appeared. The curious thing was that the keychain prompt would not accept the user’s current login password. When I checked, the user’s login keychain was unlocked and using the current password, so it didn’t appear to be caused by the login keychain password issues that I normally deal with. After some research, I was able to find the answer and get this issue fixed. See below the jump for the details. The fix: 1. Quit out of Microsoft Lync 2. Go to  /Users/username/Library/Keychains 3. Remove the  OC_KeyContainer__username@company.com  file from /Users/username/Library/Keychains . 4. Launch Microsoft Lync 5. On relaunch, the prompt no longer appeared. What caused the password prompt?: Microsoft ...

How to create a bootable USB stick on OS X

We would encourage Mac users to download Ubuntu Desktop Edition by burning a CD. But if you prefer to use a USB stick, please follow the instructions below. Note:  this procedure requires that you create an .img file from the .iso file you download. It will also change the filesystem that is on the USB stick to make it bootable, so backup all data before continuing. Tip:  Drag and drop a file from Finder to Terminal to 'paste' the full path without risking typing errors. 1 Download Ubuntu Desktop 2 Open the Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities/ or query Terminal in Spotlight). 3 Convert the .iso file to .img using the convert option of hdiutil e.g., hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso Note:  OS X tends to put the .dmg ending on the output file automatically. 4 Run diskutil list to get the current list of devices. 5 Insert your flash media. 6 Run diskutil list again and determine the devic...

Artefacts and tricks for Mac OS X

Note : if "$ xxx" => command xxx to launch, else => file or directory to dump.  FORENSICS - SYSTEM INFO AND LEAK INFO   PROOF OF CONCEPT Pac4Mac :   https://github.com/sud0man/pac4mac  SYSTEM INFO General information $ System_profiler Owner (name, address, tel, etc.) /Users/ USERNAME /Library/ Preferences / AddressBookMe . plist / Library / Preferences / AddressBookMe . plist / private / var / db /. AppleSetupDone Kernel Version and state /System/ Library / PreferencePanes / Ink . prefPane / Contents / Info . plist $ sysctl - A OS version /System/ Library / PreferencePanes / Ink . prefPane / Contents / Info . plist / System / Library / CoreServices / SystemVersion . plist / System / Library / CoreServices / ServerVersion . plist ( if server ) $ uname - an Timezone /Library/ Preferences /. GlobalPreferences . plist / etc / localtime  AUTHENTICATION DATA Usernames and password hashes /Users/ USERNAME [ 10.6 ]/ var / db / shadow...