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Blocking Bots in IIS
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Recently I had an application on apache become the victim of bot spam. As a good measure I set out to implement the same protection on a Windows Server running IIS 7.5.
The web is something on the order of 60% bot traffic, many of these are inconsequential and can safely be blocked. I chose to block them based on user agent, since many of these bots have a range of IP addresses they can utilize.
First off you will need to make sure you have the URL rewrite module added to your installation of IIS. The version I am writing this for is IIS 7, the process should be similar for other versions.
(Microsoft URL Rewrite Module 2.0 for IIS 7 (x64))
I checked that this Rewrite Module will work for both IIS 7.0 and 7.5.
After installing the module, restart your IIS Manager and click your server on the left hand side. It will be the very top options after “Start Page”. You can see it in the image below.
Once URL Rewrite is enabled on your web server. Next, click on “Add Rules…” from the Actions pane.
You will see a window open with the below information. Click on request blocking, then click “OK”.
You will then be prompted with choosing the settings for your rule.
Select User-agent Header for the “block access based on” field.
Select Using: regular expressions
Then enter your pattern.
I used the below pattern for my rule. The top listed one, “^$” is the regex for an empty string. I do not allow bots to access the pages unless they identify with a user-agent, I found most often the only things hitting my these applications with out a user agent were security tools gone rogue.
I will advise you when blocking bots be very specific. Simply using a generic word like “fire” could pop positive for “firefox” You can also adjust the regex to fix that issue but I found it much simpler to be more specific and that has the added benefit of being more informative to the next person to touch that setting.
Additionally, you will see I have a rule for Java/1.7.0_25 in this case it happened to be a bot using this version of java to slam my servers. Do be careful blocking language specific user agents like this, some languages such as ColdFusion run on the JVM and use the language user agent and web requests to localhost to assemble things like PDFs. Jruby, Groovy, or Scala, may do similar things, however I have not tested them.
Below you will see a full list of all bots that are blocked by the above regex.
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