
Ekim, 2014 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Internet machine..

Yaşamımızın her alanını kaplayan birbirinden farklı ebatlardaki milyonlarca rengi destekleyen cihazlarla internet bir görsel şöleni temsil ediyor olabilir. Ama ya sesi? Tüm bunların bizlere ulaşmasını sağlayan sistemlerin bir "gürültü kirliliği" oranı da var. Timo Arnall tarafından İspanya'da farklı mekanlarda çekilen bu ilginç video, internetin çalışmasını sağlayan veri merkezlerinden bir "uğultu" ziyafeti çekiyor kulaklarımıza. Kulağınıza gelen yalnızca sunucuların fanlarından ibaret değil, havalandırmanın kattığı dış ses, aydınlatmaların oluşturduğu cızırtı ve jeneratörlerin tiz yankıları da videoda kendine yer bulmuş...

Mobil Azami Ücret Tarifeleri

http://www.btk.gov.tr/mevzuat/kurul_kararlari/dosyalar/Mobil%20Azami%20%C3%9Ccret%20Tarifeleri_WEB_26%2003%202014.pdf http://www.btk.gov.tr/elektronik_haberlesme_sektoru/tarifeler_ve_erisim/arabaglanti_ucretleri/2013_arabaglanti_ucretleri.pdf

Fix email connectivity problems after Office 365 upgrade

Some people who have been recently upgraded from the pre-upgrade version of Office 365 are having connectivity problems with Outlook. For example, you may see a message in the status bar at the bottom of your Outlook window that says Trying to connect or Disconnected. There are a few things that can cause connection issues. The most common cause for connection problems is outdated operating system or app software, so you should check that first. If your software meets Office 365 requirements, try the other steps here. Test your Outlook connection between each step.  TIP     While you track down Outlook connection issues, you can keep sending and receiving email and manage your calendar and contacts in Outlook Web App. Click Outlook in to the Office 365 portal, or go directly to Office 365 email at http://mail.office365.com. Step 1: Make sure that your operating system is up-to-date Check the version of your software and your operating system to see if they m...

Cisco VPN – Reason 412: The remote peer is no longer responding.

Please take the following steps: 1.     On the main drive of the PC, choose  Program Files > Cisco Systems > VPN Client > Profiles . 2.     Right-click the profile that you use, and choose  Open With  in order to open the profile in a text editor (such as Notepad). (When you choose the program to use, be sure to uncheck the box that says  Always use this program to open these files .) 3.     Locate the profile parameter for ForcekeepAlives, and change the value from 0 to  1 , then save the profile.

Outlook 2013: Disable or Change Duration of Desktop Alert/Notification

If you leave Outlook running in the background while doing other tasks, it will display an email notification whenever a new email message arrives. While they are great for keeping track of important incoming messages, the notifications may distract you from your current work and reduce your productivity. Luckily, it is possible to disable these notifications. Here is an example of how an Outlook notification appears when there is a new message. Multiple notifications may be displayed at the same time, one after another. Even if you are focusing on another program, the notifications can still appear on top of it, causing an intrusion. Disable the Notification: 1. Launch  Outlook  from your desktop. 2. Once the program is loaded, click the  File  button to go to the  Backstage  view. 3. In the  Backstage  view, click the  Options  button on the left side to start tweaking Outlook’s settings. 4. You will then see the...

Recover WiFi Network Router Password using Windows

If your WiFi network is secured, you will need your password to permit other devices access to your network. However, most of us with a WiFi network connection tend to forget our passwords because the gadgets we use from day to day connect automatically. Fortunately, you can locate your password in a few simple steps. This tutorial explains how. When you are trying to add a new device such as a phone or another PC to your WiFi network, you can find the network password using the router configuration page, but this requires router administrator permissions. If you do not have the administrator password for router configuration, you will not be able to access the router configuration page. Luckily, you can still find your WiFi network’s current password. The steps below describe the simplest option for finding a forgotten WiFi network password. 1. Right-click the  Network  icon in the Windows taskbar, and click  Open Network and Sharing Center . 2. In the l...

Install Network Printers Via Batch File or Command Line in Windows 7/8 and Server 2008

As a desktop administrator, I like to automate as many tasks as possible.  Recently, I needed to automate the installation of network printers in a Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 environment. After some digging through manuals, I found a solution for installing TCP/IP printers via a batch file. In this tutorial, I will outline the VBS script we will leverage for port creation, and I will also describe the use of rundll32 to install print drivers silently and to create printers. Modern Windows operating systems such as Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2008 have great built-in scripting tools and utilities. However, most users are not aware of these abilities.  The guide below includes an example.txt file that will have the generic script included. It also contains an explanation of each step and how to tailor the script to one’s own environment. The following items are used as examples: – A computer on the 192.168.1.x network – An HP Laserjet M603 with s...

Microsoft Outlook: New Mail Desktop Alert for Subfolders

With the Microsoft Outlook email client, you can easily sort the work or personal email messages you receive into subfolders under the Inbox folder. By default, Outlook shows a desktop alert for new messages which are delivered to the Inbox. However, alerts are not shown automatically for subfolders. Fortunately, you can create a rule to enable the alert for messages which are delivered to your subfolders. Because most of us receive more than 10 to 15 messages on a daily basis, the use of subfolders is a simple and effective way to manage incoming mail. Using the  Desktop alert rule in Microsoft Outlook , we can set up a rule that will show a desktop alert as you receive email messages in your both your Inbox and your subfolders. Having a desktop alert rule enabled will help to ensure that you do not miss any important messages delivered to the subfolders you have set up. 1. Click the  File  tab, and within the  Info  tab, click  Manage Rules ...

How Do I Change the Default Program Files Directory in Windows?

By default on a Windows system, new programs will be installed into the Program Files folder inside the system drive. Therefore, if you always install software on a different drive, you have to provide the path manually to the desired location during the setup process of each program. Luckily, there is a way to force all setup wizards to use your custom installation path right out of the box. 1. Open the  Run  window by pressing  Win key + R  on your keyboard, type  regedit  in the field, and click  OK  to open Registry Editor. 2. When the  Registry Editor  shows up onscreen, expand the  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder on the hierarchy located on the left side , and navigate to SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion . 3. Once you get to the desired location, you will see the  ProgramFilesDir  string value on the panel on the right side. If you cannot find it anywhere, right-click on an empty space on ...

View and Edit Two Files Side By Side in SQL Server and Notepad++

Notepad++ is the editor that programmers prefer most because it is fast and lightweight. It is also bundled with tons of features and smart plugins. Notepad++ can be downloaded for free and is available on Windows as well as other operating systems. There are various tips and tricks that you can use to increase your productivity with Notepad++. One of the coolest tricks is viewing and editing two files side by side. Use the following steps to view two files side by side in Notepad++. 1. Open both the files you want to view simultaneously with Notepad++. 2. Right-click on any one of the  file tabs , and click  Move to Other View . 3. After you have viewed the two files side by side, you can go back to the previous tabbed view by right-clicking on the file and then clicking on Move to Other View. This will give you the normal document view of the files. In SQL Server, you can open two scripts at the same time either vertically or horizontally. This makes it ea...

How Do I Group Related Programs Together on Windows 10?

When you are on your computer at work, it is normal to have several programs running at once, some for work and some for personal use. Unfortunately, as you know, having unrelated programs running on your desktop may easily cause a distraction and reduce your productivity. Ideally, you could group the programs together according to type and use only one group while the other remains hidden. That way, you can increase the chances of your finishing your work on time because the working desktop environment is distraction-free. This idea can be achieved using the Task Viewer feature in Windows 10, which allows you to create multiple desktop environments for different purposes. 1. Launch all the programs that you want to be in the first group. For example, this group contains your programs for work. 2. Reveal the taskbar if it is hidden by moving the mouse to the bottom of screen, and then click the  Task View  button, the icon of two stacked windows. 3. Immediately afte...

How Do I Hide Photos or Videos on My iPhone or iPad?

Since your phone is such a personal device, you most likely store all kinds of photos and videos on it. However, when you let someone else use your phone, make sure that the photos that you wish to remain private are in a safe place and cannot be viewed. The Hide Photo/Video feature on your iPhone or iPad will help you do just that. The ability to hide media items is now available with the release of iOS 8. If you are still using the older version of the OS, you will need to update your phone to the latest version to take advantage of this feature. Providing that your device is not jail-broken, you can check for and download the latest update by going to  Settings -> General -> Software Update . 1. Go to the home screen, and open the  Photos  app. 2. Inside the  Photos  app, switch to the  Photos  view, find the photo or video that you want to hide from view, long-press on it, and choose  Hide . You have to repeat this action for ...

How Do I Customize the Start Menu on Windows 10?

With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft decided to bring back the Start menu that many users complained about missing in Windows 8. However, the new Start menu also includes an area for live tiles which work similarly to the ones in the old release of Windows. Using the steps in this tutorial, you can customize the Start menu to suit your needs and workflow. 1. Click the  Windows logo  at the bottom left of the screen to open the Start menu. Alternatively, you can open it by pressing the  Win logo  on your keyboard. 2. When the Start screen appears, you will see a grid of live tiles on the right size. If you  right-click  on one of them, you will see several options including:  Unpin from Start, Pin to taskbar, Uninstall, Resize, and Turn live tile off . Under Resize, there are several sizes from which to choose: small, medium, wide, and large. As soon as you choose the size, the chosen tile will be changed and moved accordingly....


Sitenizdeki bir sayfayla ilgili olarak sunucunuza istekte bulunulduğunda (örneğin, kullanıcı bir tarayıcıdan sayfanıza eriştiğinde veya Googlebot sayfayı taradığında), sunucunuz isteğe yanıt olarak bir HTTP durum kodu döndürür.     Bu durum kodu isteğin durumuyla ilgili bilgiler sağlar. Bu durum kodu Googlebot'a sitenizle ve istenen sayfayla ilgili bilgi verir. Yaygın durum kodlarından bazıları şunlardır: 200  - sunucu sayfayı başarıyla döndürdü 404  - istenen sayfa yok 503  - sunucu geçici olarak kullanılamıyor HTTP durum kodlarının tümünü aşağıdaki listede görebilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi için  HTTP durum kodları hakkındaki W3C sayfasını  da ziyaret edebilirsiniz. 1xx  (Geçici yanıt)  Geçici bir yanıt belirten ve istekte bulunan kişiden devam etmek için bir işlem yapmasını isteyen durum kodları. Kod Açıklama  100  (Devam) İstekte bulunan, isteğe devam etmelidir. Sunucu, isteğin ilk bölümünü aldığını ve geri kalanını b...