
Microsoft Lync keychain password prompt on login

One of my users ran into an issue recently when launching Microsoft Lync. When the Lync application logged into the Lync server, a  Microsoft Lync wants to use OC_KeyContainer_username@company.com. Please enter the keychain password prompt appeared. The curious thing was that the keychain prompt would not accept the user’s current login password. When I checked, the user’s login keychain was unlocked and using the current password, so it didn’t appear to be caused by the login keychain password issues that I normally deal with. After some research, I was able to find the answer and get this issue fixed. See below the jump for the details. The fix: 1. Quit out of Microsoft Lync 2. Go to  /Users/username/Library/Keychains 3. Remove the  OC_KeyContainer__username@company.com  file from /Users/username/Library/Keychains . 4. Launch Microsoft Lync 5. On relaunch, the prompt no longer appeared. What caused the password prompt?: Microsoft ...

IIS7 HTTP isteklerini HTTPS sayfasına Yönlendirmek

IIS7'de HTTP isteklerini HTTPS sayfasına Yönlendirmek IIS 7 de host ettiğiniz uygulamaya sadece https olarak erişilmesini istiyorsanız SSL sertifikanızı yükledikten sonra yapmanız gerekenler: 1. IIS Manager'dan ilgili uygulamayı çalıştıracağınız siteyi seçin , featureview de "SSL Settings" e çift tıklayıp "Require SSL" seçeneğini aktif hale getirin. 2. Feature view'e dönüp bu kez "Error Pages" seçeneğine çift tıklayıp açılan sayfada sağdan "Add" linkine tıklayın, gelen pencerede "Status Code" bölümüne 403.4 yazın ve en alttaki "Respond with a 302 redirect" seçeneğini seçip aktif olan bölüme sayfanızın yönlendirilmesini istediğiniz https sayfa linkini yazın ( örn:  https://aaa.bbb.com/ ) ve OK e basın.     

Automatically Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS on IIS 7 using URL Rewrite 2.0

In a previous article I covered the installation URL Rewrite 2.0 for IIS 7. This is a plug-in for IIS 7 that allows you to manipulate URL’s. URL Rewrite has a GUI to allow you to enter rules within IIS 7; in the background all this does is edit the web.config file of the site. I will show you how to create a rule both ways. In the following example we will redirect HTTP to HTTPs using URL Rewrite. You will need the following items completed in order for this to work correctly. – SSL Certificate for site installed in IIS. – Site properly installed and configured for SSL (site set up and binding in IIS configured). – URL Rewrite 2.0 is installed on the sever. GUI Version – Select the website you wish to configure – In the “Features View” panel, double click URL Rewrite You will notice there are currently no rules configured for this site. Click “Add Rules…” in the Actions menu to the right of the “Features View” panel Use the default “Blank rule” and press “OK”. Wh...

Move WSUS to another Hard Drive

Move WSUS to another Hard Drive is a timely, yet fun little project First things first, let’s add another hard drive (if it’s virtualized, what you will want to do is add a Fixed disk for this, because you are using it as a database) For my scenario WSUS is for Several Hundred servers, so i will add a 300GB Fixed disk (you can add whatever size necessary for your environment) boot up the VM/Server and make sure the Disk Mounts (if not go into server manager, format, etc) Once created, make a new folder on the disk named “WSUS-Storage” Before proceeding, to make life easier, go ahead and run a WSUS cleanup on your server to remove all old updates (less updates to move,the less time it will take) from there open a handy command prompt on WSUS Server from there change folders cd c:/Program Files/Update Services/Tools from there issue the following command: wsusutil movecontent D:/WSUS-Storage D:/Move.log  wait a few minutes as your data is being moved to ...