
Ağustos, 2014 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

How To Install Kali Linux In Virtual Machine Step By Step

Installing kali linux( backtrack 6 ) is not much harder as it was in down 1,2,3 versions of backtrack but anyway if you are stuck some where this step by step guide to install kali linux under virtual machine . why virtual machine ? because it gives you a safe environment to play and explore without damaging your physical hard drive , or any data loss what you should know before continue : basic knowledge of virtual machine’s basic knowledge of networking concepts ( TCP IP ) basic linux or any *nix ( if you ever worked on Linux then you are good to go ) time and patience what is required : Download Kali Linux ISO virtual machine  ( i am using VMware workstation in tutorial , if you have  virtualbox  or vmplayer then its good installation process is pretty same in every virtual platform ) Installation Process : 1 : click on create new virtual machine create new virtual machine 2 : choose ISO choose ISO 3 : Select Guest Operating System ...

Script to retrieve SQL Server database backup history and no backups

Problem There is a multitude of data to be mined from within the Microsoft SQL Server system views.  This data is used to present information back to the end user of the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and all third party management tools that are available for SQL Server Professionals.  Be it database backup information, file statistics, indexing information, or one of the thousands of other metrics that the instance maintains, this data is readily available for direct querying and assimilation into your "home-grown" monitoring solutions as well.  This tip focuses on that first metric: database backup information.  Where it resides, how it is structured, and what data is available to be mined.  Solution The msdb system database is the primary repository for storage of SQL Agent, backup, Service Broker, Database Mail, Log Shipping, restore, and maintenance plan metadata.  We will be focusing on the handful of system views associated with database bac...

"Look Up” / “Kaldır Kafanı”

Adı “Look Up” olan videoyu “Kaldır Kafanı” olarak çevirmek bence doğru olur. “Look Up” sosyal medyanın bizleri ne kadar antisosyal yaptığını anlatan ve bunu çok basit bir hikayeyle dile getiren bir video. Gary Turk tarafından hazırlanan ve sözlerini de paylaştığım bu videoyu kesin izlemelisiniz. I have 422 friends, yet I am lonely. I speak to all of them everyday, yet none of them really know me. The problem I have sits in the spaces between, looking into their eyes, or at a name on a screen. I took a step back, and opened my eyes, I looked around, and then realised that this media we call social, is anything but when we open our computers, and it’s our doors we shut. All this technology we have, it’s just an illusion, of community, companionship, a sense of inclusion yet when you step away from this device of delusion, you awaken to see, a world of confusion. A world where we’re slaves to the technology we mastered, where our information gets sold by some r...

Windows Run Commands

People are always asking about "Run" commands in Windows. Especially now that Windows 8 has launched. Here is a list of "Run" commands that I use and they are real timesavers if you can remember them all. Add Hardware Wizard = hdwwiz Add/Remove Programs = appwiz.cpl Adding a new Device = devicepairingwizard Advanced User Accounts = netplwiz Advanced User Accounts = azman.msc Backup and Restore = sdclt Bluetooth File Transfer = fsquirt Calculator = calc Certificates = certmgr.msc Change Computer Performance Settings = systempropertiesperformance Change Data Execution Prevention Settings = systempropertiesdataexecutionprevention Print User Interface = printui Character Map = charmap ClearType Tuner = cttune Color Management = colorcpl Command Prompt = cmd Component Services = dcomcnfg Computer Management = compmgmt.msc Connect to a Projector = displayswitch Control Panel = control Create A Shared Folder Wizard = shrpubw Cre...