
Mayıs, 2014 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Office 365 URL'leri ve IP adres aralıkları

Office 365 için URL'ler/FQDN'ler Bu URL listesi sadece Office 365 içindir. Başka hizmetlerin lisansına sahipseniz ya da bir paket lisans satın aldıysanız, SharePoint, Lync ve Exchange hizmetlerine de erişim izni vermelisiniz. Bu hizmetler, port 80 ve port 443'e ihtiyaç duyar. *.aadrm.com *.activedirectory.windowsazure.com *.glbdns.microsoft.com *.live.com *.lync.com *.microsoft.com *.microsoftonline.com *.microsoftonline-p.com *.microsoftonline-p.net *.microsoftonlineimages.com *.microsoftonlinesupport.net¹ *.msecnd.net *.msocdn.com *.msn.com *.msn.co.jp *.msn.co.uk *.onmicrosoft.com *.office.com *.office.net *.office365.com *.officeapps.live.com *.outlook.com *.phonefactor.net *.Sharepoint.com *.Sharepointonline.com ¹ 80 ve 443 için yalnızca çıkış bağlantı noktaları. Office 365 için IP adresleri Bu IPv4 IP Adresi listesi, Office 365 tarafından kullanılan IP Adreslerinin güncel listesidir. portal.microsofto...

Physical Memory Limits for Microsoft Windows

Memory Limits for Windows 8 The following list specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows 8. Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise 32-bit (x86) = 4 GB Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise 64-bit (x64) = 512 GB Windows 8 32-bit (x86) = 4 GB Windows 8 64-bit (x64) = 128 GB Memory Limits for Windows 7 The following list specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows 7. Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate Edition 32-bit (x86) = 4 GB Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate Edition 64-bit (x64) = 192 GB Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 32-bit (x86) = 4 GB Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 64-bit (x64) = 16 GB Windows 7 Home Basic Edition 32-bit (x86) = 4 GB Windows 7 Home Basic Edition 64-bit (x64) = 8 GB Windows 7 Starter Edition 32-bit (x86) = 2 GB Windows 7 Starter Edition 64-bit (x64) = 2 GB Memory Limits for Windows Vista The following list specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows Vista Windows Vista Business Professional, Ent...

Disabling the virtual machine name display in full screen view on VMware Fusion 6

To disable display of the virtual machine name in full screen mode, edit the VMware Fusion preferences file: Shut down any running virtual machines. Quit VMware Fusion. Open  Finder . On the Finder menu bar, click  Go  >  Go to Folder . Type this path and click  Go : ~/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/ Locate the  preferences  file. Open the  preferences  file in a text editor. Add this line to the file: fusion.ui.fullscreen.nameBadge = "FALSE" Save the file and exit the text editor. Start VMware Fusion and Power on the virtual machine. The virtual machine name is now not displayed at the top of the screen.